Titan Pro 35

The Most Advanced Disc Golf Target

A game-changer in disc golf target technology, combining superior catching performance, durability, and modern aesthetics—setting a new standard for professional and championship-level courses.

PGDA Approved

Titan pro 35

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Titan Details

Trapper Chain & Stopper Chain System:
• 14  Outer "Trapper Chains" (Liberty Chains) – Soft, draping chains catch putts with low spin, even if they hit off-center.
• Inner "Stopper Chains" (Two Sets) – Tensioned chains prevent cut-throughs and bounce-outs off the pole.

Revolutionary Chain Slack & Tension Design:
• 14 outer straight Liberty chains share a ring with 7 inner ¼” proof coil chains, keeping all tension on the inner chains while the outer chains remain slack.

• 14 middle chains (3/16” proof coil) in two different lengths:
-The shorter set carries tension, ensuring solid putt retention
- The longer set provides additional draping, slack chains to catch softer throws.

Enhanced Catching on Soft & High Putts:
Traditional targets struggle with soft putts that hit off-center—the Titan Pro 35 solves this issue. 5” long, 34-degree angled slide system on the outer chains absorbs impact, reducing kick-outs on high putts.

Built for Durability & Longevity
• ½” Steel Construction – The first and only disc golf target guaranteed against bending and breaking.
• Hot-Dipped Galvanized Chains – Unlike electro-plated chains, which rust over time, Titan Pro 35 chains remain weather-resistant for long-term durability.

Nubless Basket – A Sleek, Modern Look:
• Unlike traditional baskets, the Titan Pro 35 eliminates "Headrick nubs", 
preventing putts from getting stuck on the rim.
• This enhances both catching performance and aesthetics.
• Tested at McNair Park: Allows more putts to slide in over the rim, while ensuring discs do not get hung up when removing them from the basket.

Dual Sheet Metal Bands for Visibility & Customization:
• Outer Band: 4” tall × 23.25” diameter 
– Ideal for hole numbering and advertising opportunities.

Inner Band: 2” tall × 12” diameter
– Protects against ricochets while also housing a solar light for night rounds.

Titan Pro 35 – Dimensional Specifications
• Top Assembly: 23.25” diameter.
• Chain Deflection Zone: 21.25” from the bottom of the top assembly to the top of the basket section.
• Basket Dimensions: 27.25” Diameter Basket – Wide enough for consistent catching, without oversized flaring. 10.5” Deep Basket – Ensures discs stay securely inside.

Your Course

Invest in the future of disc golf with the Titan Pro 35.